Case Study

AutoParts Digital Scrapyard

If you own a car, you likely experienced the pain of spending a significant amount of money on a rear-view mirror or a headlight. Or even worse, you're faced the frustration when an expensive part breaks and you suddenly need to give up on your holiday savings to bring your 'buddy' back to life. Eventually, you considered going to a scrapyard to get a spare part for a fraction of the price you pay at the shop. Or maybe, you're not aware that this business exists - or at least its customer facing side. Anyway, chances are you ended up going to the car shop and had the parts substituted for whatever the price was.

Why is that?

Car scrapyards are not perceived as a nice place to visit by many. They usually follow a family business tradition, they look clumsy, dirty, even dangerous, all processes seem to be very old fashioned, and of course, not everybody feels comfortable with the whole concept of bargaining.

AutoParts© believes this is an opportunity to develop a new business model to sell used car parts. The goal of the service is to boost the scrapyard value for general consumers by making use of opportunities uncovered by digital. People tend to prefer spending less than spending more, so they want to make it easy and pleasant. AutoParts© has done some consumer research and the data collected makes them feel optimistic about the general acceptance of such a service. However, they do have a lot of unanswered questions.

Here’s how I would help AutoParts© with their strategy moving forward.